Author, Speaker & International Award-Winning Poet
Paula Goldsmith
Personalize Your Unique Books~Bring Out Your Creativity & Imagination
Readers Wanted Ages 2 To 110
Below~Read Some Book Reviews
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Have You Ever Heard An Angel Speak ?????
​Paula has written a series of children’s books. These books were designed to bring out the creativity and imagination as the children are learning about life. The books can be personalized, so no two books will ever be the same. This prompted her to think about adults. It seems adults have lost their creativity and imagination in this fast paced world. This book of beautiful poems was born, to help bring back what we once felt when we were young. The book was designed for all ages. Ages 10 to 110 (many 7, 8 and 9 year old's love this angel book).
You may want to add to your personal book with the blank pages in the back (Journal). Write your notes, dreams and thoughts. If someone is sick, it is a great way to record the illness and recovery. If someone is in Hospice. The book makes a great keepsake for the family. Traveling can be boring by car, in the airport, on the plane or a rainy day. This book is fun for the boring travel times. Journal all about your trip as a travel keepsake. You may want to add trip photos.
(Adult Coloring Book.) Bring your book to life with color, relax, de-stress and re-energize. The reader brings out their Creativity and Imagination as they Personalize their Own Book. No two books will ever be the same.
You can enjoy reading and rereading the book of poems. Slow down and enjoy what God has given you. Be thankful for what you have and see the blessings that are all around you.
How fun is it to have an “Angel Tea Time.” The tea time can be very simple with just tea and cookies, a luncheon tea time or a banquet tea time. This is a great way for a few ladies or a group to get together, to laugh and have fun as they relax, de-stress and re-energize. An angel tea time can be a great new funding-raising idea for a group. Angels are loved all year long. (Christmas/Holiday Angel, Valentines Day Angels, Spring Angels, Mother’s Day Angels, Mother/Daughter Angels, Summer Time Angels, Thank You Angels/Volunteers). Great For Fund-Raising Events.
This fun book makes a very special gift for all occasions, holidays, sick or shut-in. Books are easy to mail in a mailing envelope.
"Angel Tribute"
A Special Gift For Your Special Angel. A Special Keepsake. Great For A Birthday, Anniversary, Retirement, Funeral and More. Check Out The "Angel Tribute" Page. Aabove) Also Great for a Pet lover.
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​"Reasons Readers Are Loving This Angel Book"
1. Brings out Creativity and Imagination.
2. Personalize your Own Book.
3. A book of Beautiful Poems with a Journal section. Write your thoughts, say what you want to say.
​4. Your joy of “Coloring” will bring your book to life. Adult Coloring Book. 5. “Angel Tea Time.” What a fun way to spend some time with friends and escape from life for a hour or two. Let’s sip a cup of tea with cookies, laugh, read poems and do some coloring. What A Way To Go, De-stress and Re-energize. 6. Students, Mothers, Working Women, Seniors. Ages 10 to 110, many 7, 8 and 9 year old's also love this angel book.
​7. Makes a Great Gift for All Occasions, Holidays, the Sick or the Shut-ins.
8. Easy to Mail in a mailing envelope. 9. Great when traveling. Make boring times like the airport, on the plane, car rides or a rainy day just fly by. Personalize your trip in the Journal section. The perfect place for recording all about your wonderful trip. Add your trip photos.
​10. Makes a great gift for the sick. Gives the sick person three different options, read, write or color. They can track their illness and recovery.
11. An Angel Tea Time is great for small and large groups or for fund-raising events. Angel tea time can be very simple with just tea and cookies, an Angel tea luncheon or an Angel tea banquet.
12. Angels are loved and are good all year long. (Christmas/Holiday Angels, Valentines Day Angels, Spring Angels, Mother’s Day Angels, Summer Iced Tea Time Angels, Say Thank You to The Angels/Volunteers.)
13. "Angel Tribute" A Special Gift For Your Special Angel. A Special Keepsake. Great For A Birthday, Anniversary, Retirement, Funeral, Grief and More. Check Out The "Angel Tribute" Page. (Above) Great for a Pet lover.
#1. As Paula says, “take time, to make time, to laugh.” I am getting a couple of books for my friends. We are now going to spend our lunch time with an angel. What a refreshing & Inspiring book. A must have. From a Writer
#2. Awesome Paula! We all need to be reminded that angels are all around us. I am totally impressed with what you have done. From an Author & Grandmother
#3. We can be an angel to someone or someone can be an angel to us when we need them the most. One can read the book for inspiration. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to write down our thoughts or to bring out our feelings as we draw like we did as a child. What a concept! From an Author, Mother & Speaker
#4. It is a nice piece of work. Very uplifting reading. Re-enforces our beliefs of angels in heaven & on earth. From an Author & Grandmother.
#5. For Christmas I received this wonderful angel book. It is great & I love it. It is very different. I will get some for gifts. A gift from a friend.
#6. In the hospital I got 4 adult coloring books. Your angel book is the best. I love reading your poems. I love coloring the pages. I love journaling my illness and recovery. It has been a real blessing to me. Thanks
#7. On vacation I took my new angel book. It made my vacation. The airport & plane went by fast as I colored in my book. My journal pages were a perfect way to record my trip. Love this book & will be getting many for gifts. Can not wait to add the pictures. A Traveler
#8. I needed a gift for someone who had someone pass away. I found this wonderful angel book. It made the best gift. I will order more.
#9. My dad passed away a few weeks ago. I got Paula's angel book as a gift. It was the best gift at such a hard time. I am making an angel tribute to my dad. I am trying to remember all the good times we had so the family will have this book after I am gone. Thanks to my friend for the book. I now know what to give others when they are going through the passing of a love one.
#10. The angel birthday tribute made a great gift. So glad I found this angel book.
#11. The angel book is a wonderful birthday gift. I give them as gifts all year long. You do not need a party to give a book but a party & the book is extra fun.
#12. Birthday Angel Tribute To My Sister. My siblings had a great time reminiscing & writing about favorite memories. My sister was tickled by some of the memories that meant so much to others that she totally forgot about. She will write her thoughts & things that she feels will be pertinent when she passes into the next life. Everyone was impressed with the idea of recording favorite memories to share while we are still together. I thank you for allowing us the experience through your book.
#13. Paula, you do not know what you have on your hands. This angel book is helping us with the passing of our little angel. It was a great gift and a great keepsake. Thank You
#14. Some say a pet is just a pet. She was my fury four paws of everything. She was more to me than more people. This book was the best gift I have ever gotten. I added pictures of her in the back of my book. THX
#15. I love the books. I have never heard of such a thing. A Reader

The Adventures of Baby Cuz
"The Family" My 1st Book
In this book "The Family ," Baby Cuz experiences his third birthday. Your child will learn what makes Baby Cuz an adventurous little bear. The Adventures Of Baby Cuz, are a new series of children’s books. The adventures are a fun way for children to learn about real life. They will also learn to read, spell and bring out their own creativity and imagination as they personalize their book. The pages in each book were designed to be black and white. The child can color in the pictures as they learn words. You will also find some blank pages at the end of the book. The child can print what they want to say. There are "My Art Work" pages, for their art. Since each child is an individual, no two books will be the same. Their personal Baby Cuz book will become very special to each child as they learn along with Baby Cuz. After all, he is the cutest little bear. Both adults and children will enjoy the cutest little bear called Baby Cuz, age three. He is cute & he is told he is cute. That is why he says, “I am Cute.” My son had a cute little bear when he was young. This cute little bear was named, Baby Cuz. My son and his little bear were the basis for the adventures. My son spent many loving hours with his stuffed bears, Baby Cuz and Uncle Fred. Many of the details have been changed or added to. There was no person named Uncle Fred in real life, but in the book he is a real character. Through out the books, Baby Cuz and Uncle Fred are the best of friends and love each other very much. Uncle Fred has a love for life. I hope you will enjoy each new adventure with Baby Cuz. After all he is the cutest little bear.
Makes a great gift for all gift giving occasions and holidays.
Books are easy to mail in a mailing envelope. Great When Traveling.
Watch for more books in this series of Baby Cuz.
When the child has out grown the Baby Bear Books, they become a Great Keepsake for the mother.
Ages 2 & Up

The Adventures of Baby Cuz
"Happy and Sad" My 2nd book
In this book "Happy and Sad," Baby Cuz experiences his emotions of being happy and sad. He learns what happens when rules are not followed.
The Adventures Of Baby Cuz, are a new series of children’s books. The adventures are a fun way for children to learn about real life. They will also learn to read, spell and bring out their own creativity and imagination as they personalize their book. The pages in each book were designed to be black and white. The child can color in the pictures as they learn words. You will also find some blank pages at the end of the book. The child can print what they want to say. There are "My Art Work" pages, for their art. Since each child is an individual, no two books will be the same. Their personal Baby Cuz book will become very special to each child as they learn along with Baby Cuz. After all, he is the cutest little bear. Both adults and children will enjoy the cutest little bear called Baby Cuz, age three. He is cute and he is told he is cute. That is why he says, “I am Cute.” My son had a cute little bear when he was young. This cute little bear was named, Baby Cuz. My son and his little bear were the basis for the adventures. My son spent many loving hours with his stuffed bears, Baby Cuz and Uncle Fred. Many of the details have been changed or added to. There was no person named Uncle Fred in real life, but in the book he is a real character. Through out the books, Baby Cuz and Uncle Fred are the best of friends & love each other very much. Uncle Fred is a big chocolate brown bear. He has traveled to many places & has a love for life. I hope you will enjoy each new adventure with Baby Cuz. After all he is the cutest little bear.
Makes a great gift for all gift giving occasions and holidays.
Books are easy to mail in a mailing envelope. Great When Traveling.
Watch for more books in this series of Baby Cuz.
When the child has out grown the Baby Bear Books, they become a Great Keepsake for the mother.
Ages 2 & Up

​​​The Adventures of Baby Cuz
"A Trip to Arizona" My 3rd Book
In this book "A Trip to Arizona," Baby Cuz experiences his first airplane ride to visit his Uncle Fred who has retired in Arizona. Baby Cuz learns what makes Arizona an unique state. This book is great for children living or visiting Arizona. The bears take a trip around the state stopping and learning as they go. The Adventures Of Baby Cuz, are a new series of children’s books. The adventures are a fun way for children to learn about real life. They will also learn to read, spell & bring out their own creativity and imagination as they personalize their book. The pages in each book were designed to be black & white. The child can color in the pictures as they learn words. You will also find some blank pages at the end of the book. The child can print what they want to say. There are "My Art Work" pages, for their art. Since each child is an individual, no two books will be the same. Their personal Baby Cuz book will become very special to each child as they learn along with Baby Cuz. After all, he is the cutest little bear. Both adults and children will enjoy the cutest little bear called Baby Cuz, age three. He is cute and he is told he is cute. That is why he says, “I am Cute.” My son had a cute little bear when he was young. This cute little bear was named, Baby Cuz. My son and his little bear were the basis for the adventures. My son spent many loving hours with his stuffed bears, Baby Cuz & Uncle Fred. Many of the details have been changed or added to. There was no person named Uncle Fred in real life, but in the book he is a real character. Through out the books, Baby Cuz and Uncle Fred are the best of friends & love each other very much. Uncle Fred is a big chocolate brown bear. He has traveled to many places and has a love for life. I hope you will enjoy each new adventure with Baby Cuz. After all he is the cutest little bear..
Makes a great gift for all gift giving occasions and holidays.
Books are easy to mail in a mailing envelope. Great When Traveling.
Watch for more books in this series of Baby Cuz.
When the child has out grown the Baby Bear Books, they become a Great Keepsake for the mother.
Ages 2 & Up
"Reasons The Readers Are Loving These Bear Books"
1. Brings out Creativity & Imagination.
2. Personalize your Own Book.
​3. A Story Book & My Art Work Pages. Learn to Read & Spell.
4. “Coloring” will bring your book to life. Coloring Book.
5. “Bear Tea Time.” Juice & Cookies.
6. Makes a Great Gift for All Occasions, Holidays, the Sick or the Shut-ins.
7. Easy to Mail in a mailing envelope.
8. Great when traveling. Make boring times like the airport, on the plane, car rides or a rainy day just fly by. The perfect place for recording all about your wonderful trip & what the child has learned.
9. Makes a Great Gift and Keepsake for the Mother when the child has out grown the book/s.
“Reviews” ​​
#1. Baby Cuz’s adventures are interesting & fun for children & can help them learn about life & their surroundings. Sit down, grab a book & enjoy! From a Newspaper Editor.
#2. Young readers will certainly enjoy this book while reading it or listening to it being read to them. They will learn valuable lessons. Youngsters will certainly grasp the lessons more quickly when given them by Baby Cuz, a Bear, than from other sources. Paula has done a great job of writing something children can enjoy, & at the same time, learn important lessons. From an Author & Teacher
#3. I am Impressed with this book. It is an excellent way for you to help children learn to read & write. From a Mother, Grandmother & Author
#4. Paula has made it easy for children to learn & have fun through their own creativity. From a Writer
#5. I saw Paula at a book signing. I got all 3 baby bear books for my son. He loves them. Paula when will you publish more baby bear books? From a mom
#6. My kids loved Paula's story time. A library mom
#7. My children love the bear books. They would like a new adventure. Will you put out more books for the children? Happy Children & Happy Mom
#8. My grand kids loved the Teddy AZ book. A gift from a Grand Mom #9. Super, super. My grand kids love these books. Glad you were at the library doing a book signing. Happy Grand Mom

​​​"HURT Personalize Your Book"
Dear Reader: This Unique Book, “HURT Personalize Your Book,” lets the Reader Personalize their Book with Their Name and through a Journal Section with Their Thoughts. Say what they want to Say. Write Your Hurts. Bring Your book to life with Color. No two books will ever be the same.
Makes a Great Gift. A Great way to Say, "I am sorry.” In the book Write a note or Text on the phone in the Book, “I Am Sorry.” Let The Book Do The Talking For You.
I am not a doctor and I do not pretend to be one.
Ages 12 to 110. Some younger ages may learn & joy from this book.
#1. It is beautiful and true. Good work Paula. From An Author
#2. I must say I am impressed with your writing. From A Reader in Canada
#3. Tremendous Potential. It’s what happens to everyone. It would help many people know they are not the only one going through whatever. From A World Traveler
#4. It’s Beautiful. I can relate. I can understand. From A Reader
I am so proud and humbled for the readers who took the time and wrote a review. My readers are truly the best and I love each one of them.
"What My Readers Are Saying."
1. I am ordering books to give out.
2. Your book cell phone is genius.
3. Love all of your unique books.
4. What a new way to say sorry or to talk again.
5. Everyone needs this book

“The Little Wooden Man”
This book is very different from my other five books. This unique book “The Little Wooden Man” is my first novel. A work of fiction. I have been working on this novel book for ten years. Writing some, then thinking some, and so on. Some things should not be rushed and this was one of them. I hope you enjoy this novel book and will pass it on to others to enjoy. (For Ages 16 to 110)
#1. Wow! What An Awesome Novel. From A Reader
#2. Could Not Put This Down. From A Writer
#3. This Maybe Your First Novel But Hope It Will Not Be Your Last. From A Reader
#4. Your Creativity Is Really Amazing. From A Writer

“Award-Winning Poems By International Poet Paula Goldsmith”
Many of my readers have been asking me to publish a book with my Award-Winning International Poems. Here it is. This book only contains some of the hundreds of my Award-Winning International Poems. At the bottom of each poem will be listed what the poem won. This book is very different from my other six books.
This unique book “Award-Winning Poems By International Poet Paula Goldsmith” is a Fun book for Ages 10 to 110. In the back of the book, you will find a place to try writing your own poems. If you prefer you can journal about life. Make sure you bring your book to life with color. This book makes a Great Gift throughout the year. I hope you will enjoy this fun book and will pass it on to others to enjoy.
#1. Another great book. I love your amazing poems. From A Reader
#2. Paula, you have wonderful creativity. A wonderful book for gifts. I am ordering a few. From A Reader
#3. Another Wow!!!! What a beautiful book of poems. From A Reader
#4. I read through it, then went back through this fun book. Now off the bring it to life with color. From A Writer
#5. I hope you will write a part two book. From A Reader
#6. This book shows your amazing creativity. From A Writer
#7. I love coloring my books to life. My kids love your kid's books. Your books are so much fun for all ages. From A Reader #8. Some of your poems are very funny. I laughed until I cried. From A Writer #9. Paula, you are a very talented and a gifted writer. From A Writer #10. Your fingers and poetic mind always produce amazing poetry. From A Writer
Paula Has Been Featured In Over 18 Newspaper Articles.

"New Book"
"Nursery Rhymes and More By International Award-Winning Poet Paula Goldsmith"
Many of my readers have been asking me to publish a book of my Award-Winning Nursery Rhymes. This book “Nursery Rhymes and More” was born. I say, a book is born because of the time, work, tears and pain it takes to publish a book. Just like having a baby.
At the bottom of each poem will be listed what the poem won. This unique book “Nursery Rhymes and More By International Award-Winning Poet Paula Goldsmith” is a Fun book for Ages 2 to 110.
In the back of the book, you will find a place to try writing your poems. If you prefer you can journal about life. Make sure you bring your book to life with color. This book makes a Great Gift throughout the year. I hope you will enjoy this fun book and will pass it on to others to enjoy.
Have Fun Reading, Paula
#1. Glad to see a book of your Nursery Rhymes. I love all your amazing books. Very Creative. From A Reader #2. Another fun book with great poems. From A Writer #3. I love to take your books when I travel. I journal about my trip. Great Keepsake. From A Traveler #4. I have and love all your books. Keep Writing. From A Reader #5. Paula, this book will make a great gift. From A Writer #6. My kids love your books. I love this book. From A Traveler
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